International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 57(7):556-558, 2006.
Mineral variability among 177 commercial noni juices.
Brett J West, Charles B Tolson, Randy G Vest, Summer Jensen, Travis G Lundell.

The industry-wide mineral profile of commercial noni juices was determined by analyses of 177 competing brands by Tahitian Noni International laboratories. A large degree of variability was found in the concentrations of nine minerals, revealing that not all noni juices are the same. Many brands of noni juice have a different nutrient profile than that published by the European Union for TAHITIAN NONIĀ® Juice. While potassium was found to be the most prominent mineral, its concentration in most commercial brands is of minor nutritional significance, contrary to claims made in some previous publications that were based only on the analysis of one minor brand name. (view original abstract atĀ